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DMK Associates is a leader in the field of water management engineering and provides a full range of professional services from analysis and concept planning through design and construction support services.



DMK has proven experience in developing practical and cost-effective solutions to meet water management design challenges using innovative and creative ideas. Our engineers understand what it takes to develop cost-effective plans to protect surface water resources through unique flood control solutions. DMK engineers and regulatory experts conduct comprehensive evaluations of watersheds, including National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) compliance (Municipal, Industrial and Construction), identification of pollution sources, incorporation of Best Management Practices (BMPs), ecosystem preservation, flood hazard protection and more.


Low Impact Development is an innovative approach to stormwater management in which an attempt is made to duplicate the hydrologic regime of an undeveloped watershed.

LID design conserves water supply, attenuates flooding, reduces pollutant loading, and helps support natural systems.


DMK makes use of these methods because it can reverse cumulative impacts by:

  • Making more efficient use of land

  • Supporting more natural hydrology

  • Providing treatment trains

  • Reducing pollutant loading

  • Providing Florida friendly landscaping

  • Supplementing alternative water supply

  • Reducing energy use

  • Enhancing sustainability


DMK provides specialized engineering services to clients in the private and public sectors by assisting with the planning, analysis, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of water systems and structures. DMK works closely with its clients to satisfy not only their technical requirements but their economic and policy concerns as well.

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  • Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling

  • Surface Water Management Reports

  • Flood Plain Modeling

  • Basin Studies

  • Site Specific Drainage Improvements

  • FEMA Grants

  • Permitting

  • Groundwater Modeling

  • Best Management Practices

  • Waterway Maintenance

Beach Debris

Stormwater Damage

Stormwater damage can effect everyone from your residential homeowner, Commercial business owner, and government agencies. When damage occurs, it can happen slowly over time or quickly from an intense storm. According to PennState Extension, structural damage is on the most common types of property damage caused by stormwater. Due to storms in Florida, our pier and bridge abutments take heavy loads of stormwater damage causing erosion and physical damage. Drainage systems can also damage by excess sediment runoff causing buildup, subsequently damaging the system and increases flooding. 

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